The history of Jesus comes to us exclusively from the 4 gospels. This fact alone makes the story suspect. Such a huge super-hero story and no one person wrote about any of the super events!
The 27 books of the NT are attributed to 8 authors that contain over 200 admitted forgeries.
These gospels were allegedly written somewhere around the end of the second century, around 200 years after the supposed birth of the super-hero Jesus (200 yrs is a very very long time). Coincidentally it was the same time period of the establishing of the orthodoxy and supremacy of the Roman Church.
These books were not translations of Jewish apostles written in Hebrew or Aramaic texts as one would expect, but were originally penned by someone in Greekwhose native language was Greek. In over 100 places the very Greek word “Petros” appears as being said by Hebrew speaking Jews in dialogue. The Greek texts are very cultivated and contain many rhetorical devices that would only be used by someone whose native language was Greek.
There were over 100 different versions of the gospels in circulation at the time of canonization by the Roman Church. This fixing of the final text was done by the Church father, the Bishop of Lyons, Irenaeus (died around 200 CE) who chose the gospel books to be only 4 based on “the 4 corners of the world.” This comment clearly show it comes from Masonic tradition – the four books of magic of the Egyptian Ritual.
All the gospels appear to have been written from a common source; from the “Gospel of the Lord” published in Rome written by the Gnostic-Christian Marcion. It resembles Luke but much shorter. There was just one gospel and an “Apostolicon” which contained ten of Paul’s epistles; Galatians, 1st and 2nd Corinthians, Romans, (less 15 & 16 chapters), 1st and 2nd Thessalonians, Ephesians Colossians, Philemon, Philippians. The two chapters of Romans that were added were historicizing where there is no historicizing in the other epistles. The gospel that Paul referred to in these added chapters was termed the Gospel of Paul. Marcion claimed he found it in Antioch and brought it to Rome to be translated to Latin and Greek.

This text clearly predated the church gospels. Written in the Syro-Chaldee or Samaritan language, was not historical and did not make Jesus a Jew. He was not born in Bethlehem and was not from Nazareth (did not exist at that time). Jesus was not born but “came down in Capernaum” and incarnated a century earlier. Since there was no historicizing and no Judaizing Marcion was called a heretic, and accused of removing text instead of the accusing church adding to his text.
Written around the time of the other gospels, 180CE, as the Catholic Encyclopedia states, “Luke was not written til nearly 200 years after the event of Jesus’s departure. The proof offered is that the Theophilus to whom Luke addressed it was bishop of Antioch from 169-177 A.D.”
Luke is a compilation of earlier manuscripts, 33 by one count, mainly from the Gospel of the Lord. Phrases were added to sentences to historicize and to Judaize Jesus
An example follows
Saying, the Son of Man must suffer many things, and be put to death, and after three days rise again.
Luke 9:22:
Saying, “The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised.”
Also the mourning over Jerusalem (Luke 8:29-35) is taken verbatim from the 2nd Esdras (I. 28-33) and the speaking by the “Almighty Lord” is changed to Jesus being the speaker.
After the total destruction of Jerusalem by Romans in 135 CE the city was closed to the Jewish race occupied by Gentiles. After the bishops of Circumcision, the first to be put in charge was Mark according to Eusebius, 108. This could not be the Mark of the New Testament but could be the Gnostic Mark known as Marcion. Upon comparison, Matthew, Mark, and Luke used Marcion text as one of their sources.
It is clear that the Book of Mark was tampered with since the resurrection, apparition, asscention was added to the end (Mark 16:9-20).
Other texts were added. In Mark 1:16 it says;
“And passing along by the sea of Galilee he saw Simon and Andrew ..”
All commentaries agree the words “by the sea of Galilee were added as they are quite ungrammatically placed for the Greek syntax. It was an attempt to reference a place to historicize.
Mark was clearly not a Palestine Jew or lived in the area as Mark 7:31 shows his ignorance of Palestine geography.
31 Then Jesus left the vicinity of Tyre and went through Sidon, down to the Sea of Galilee and into the region of the Decapolis.
The tone of this gospel is anti-Jewish as the author talked about Jews as if they were separate and apart from himself.
And he had no idea of the geography of Palestine.
Gospel of John speaks of Aenon near to Salim in Judea; also Bethany, beyond Jordan; and a “city of Samaria called Sychar; these names were totally unknown to any writer anywhere. Expert Dr. Bretschneider1 points out gross errors through out the book in geography, chronology, history and statistics of Judea that anyone who resided in that country, or had been a Jew by birth would never have made.
John states Bethsaida was in Galilee. No such town ever was. John states Bethsaida was on the east side of the sea of Tiberias when Talilee was on the west side. John was born at Bethsaida so he would certainly know the geography of his birth area.
John depicts events where he is not shown to have appeared at. And John does not record events at which he is supposed to be present.
This is the only gospel that records the raising of Lasarus from the dead, which is an Egyptian myth.
The gospel seems to be a refutation of the Gnostics.
1 treatise on the Gospel of John, entitled Probabilia de evangelii et epistolarum Ioannis Apostoli indole et origine cruditorum,
This gospel was originally written in Greek. It did not appear until after the second century. It is a compellation of several manuscripts based mostly from the Oracles of Christ. The main point of the book is that it leads people to believe in the authority of the Roman church. Jesus said to Peter On this rock I will build my church and it will have the keys to heaven. By canonizing this book it guaranteed the success of the Catholic Church since the “word of God” gave authorization to the church.
18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matt 16:17-19

Never any historical reference. Nothing of Pilate, Romans, Caiaphas, Sanhdrin, Herod, Judas, the holy women of the Gospels, or any person in the New Testament.
They never quote any of the great sayings by Jesus. They never mention any of his fabulous miracles, or divine splendor. Not a peep about Jesus casting out devils, or feed a mass of people with a few loafs of bread and a couple of fish. Or curing leprosy in an instant. Never came close to any mention contained in the sermons or teachings of Jesus.
The Lords Prayer is clearly written out and was composed by Jesus himself. Yet Paul in his epistles expresses that he does not know how to pray.
Paul was said to have died during the persecution by Nero in 64C.E. Yet the Church dates the epistles as written much later. In the First Epistle of Paul to Timothy it warns against the Marcionist work know as the Antithesis. Marcion was expelled from the church in 144 C.E. Yet the this Epistle refers to the book he wrote that caused his expulsion. The Epistle had to have been written after the book was written, and thus after the death of Paul. Proof of a forgery.
The First Epistle of Paul to Timothy, the Second Epistle of Paul to Timothy, and the Epistle of Paul to Titus are called “pastoral” Epistles. Pastoral means that these letters were written by Paul himself. The other epistles, or non-pastoral epistles, were written with his friends such as Sosthenes, Timothy, Silas, etc.
The dates attributed to the writing of the Epistles are based on what is contained in the writing and not on any carbon 14 dates of any document. Carbon dating of alleged authentic written pieces of the gospels and epistles have come back with an approximate date of 325 C.E.
Epistles were the earliest Christian documents. They were written allegedly 20 to 70 years after the death of Jesus, according to the Church. Jesus is said to have died between 28 to 36 C.E. The Epistles never mention a Gospel. The Gospels it is said were written after the Epistles.
The Epistles talk of a divine Christ but never mention Jesus as a human.
The Epistles never say anything about the history or the time.
The Epistles never say anything about the sayings of Jesus.
The Epistles never say anything about the parables of Jesus.
The Epistles never say anything about the miracles of Jesus.
The Epistles never say anything about the last supper.
The Epistles never say anything about any historical events happening then regarding the death of Jesus.
The Epistles never say anything about the crucifixion of Jesus.
The Epistles never say anything about the empty tomb of Jesus.
The Epistles never say anything about Jesus rising from the tomb.
The Epistles never say anything about the events Jesus did around Jerusalem.
” With respect to the connonical Pauline Epistles, … there are none of them by Paul; neither fourteen, nor thirteen, nor nine or eight, nor yet even the four so long “universally” regarded as unassailable. They are all, without distinction, pseudographia (false-writings, forgeries) …”