After the greatest forgery mill in history, the powers of the Church went on a rampage of murdering millions, burning millions of books, destroying temples, statutes, inscriptions, and any traces of any previous theological culture.  This has gone on from the third to the sixth centuries.  This created an immense ignorance in the western world. This was done legally with the current governments consent.



One of the greatest crimes of history was the burning of the Library at Alexandria by the Christians under Theophilus in 391 C.E.  This hid the true origins of Christianity and much of ancient cultures.  The portion that survived was transferred to the Temple of Serapis where it was destroyed by the Christian Theophilus on orders of Theodosius.  On the very foundation of this Temple was built a Church in honor of the “noble army of martyrs,” who never existed.

Theodosius the First, Theodosius the Great, Flavius Theodosius Roman emperor of the East (379–392) and then sole emperor of both East and West (392–395), who, in vigorous suppression of paganism and Arianism, established the creed of the Council of Nicaea (325) as the universal norm for Christian orthodoxy and directed the convening of the second general council at Constantinople (381) to clarify the formula.  The only possible reason for destroying the Temple of Serapis was to erase any last evidences of the origin of Christianity and its heathen roots.

All throughout the Roman world libraries were burned, schools and universities were destroyed under the pretext of defending the Church from paganism.  Books from citizens were routinely confiscated.  Citizens were framed by the planting of forbidden “magical” books in their homes.  After a wrongful book find, all possessions were confiscated as a penalty.


Decades later the Christian patriarch in Alexandria, Cyril, incited crowds to terrorize Jews and to seize the acclaimed Pagan philosopher Hypatia.  She was renowned for her wisdom and brilliance.  Cyril had her murdered by scraping off her skin with oyster shells.   Her death was considered the death of Paganism.


Wiping out Paganism became the Church’s passion and continued its practices.  In the fifth century the Archbishop Chrystostom boasted, “Every trace of the old philosophy and literature of the ancient world has vanished from the face of the earth.”  During this campaign of the elimination of Paganism the death penalty was imposed on anyone reading an unapproved book.  An unapproved book was any book that demonstrated in any way that the Christian faith was a sham.  This campaign went on from pope to pope until Gregory, Bishop of Constantinople in 604 C.E.  Then in the 11th century Pope Gregory, that is “Saint Gregory”, burned the library of Palatine Apollo.

Then in 1563 at the Council of Trent, the policy of eliminating Pagan learning was reaffirmed.


The early church fathers, Justin Marrtyr, Tertullian, and Irenaeus were terribly disturbed by the huge similarities between the Catholic religion and the Pagan Religions, particularly of the rites of the Eucharist.  They resorted to the desperate logic of saying that the Devil knew of Christ and foresaw what would happen in his life, and thus mimicked the story well in advance of Christ being born and living his life.   They claimed this was the reason why the Pagan religions were so similar to the Catholic religion.