Pope calls Catholics to Venerate 1600 year old Skull

The dressed skeleton of claimed saint Ambrose is in Milan. The Pope asked Catholics to hail him on his feast day.


The CNA reported that the “Catholic Church will celebrate the memory of St. Ambrose, the brilliant Bishop of Milan who influenced St. Augustine’s conversion and was named a “Doctor of the Church”.


Skeletons were brought out of the grave, and put for display and veneration in a Catholic Church.

The Catholic faithful are called by the pope to venerate a skull, dressed up in fine linen and gold. The corpse of this 1600 hundred old person, is found in a crypt in a Catholic Church in Milan. This man called Ambrose, is lying next to two other skeletons. That is the remains of “Saint Gervasius and Saint Protasius”.

Here is a comment from a Catholic blogger, who proudly admit he was “praying before this remains”. Idal worship?

” This past June while in Milan it was a great honor to pray before the remains of this holy saint with a fellow North American, the great Shawn Tribe, Catholic journalist of NLM fame” ( http://www.newliturgicalmovement.org/).


This is a copy of another blog message:

“A ghoulish treat: the bones of the revered and ancient saint and patron of Milan lie under the high altar with two others, Saints Gervasius and Protasius. Their relics were purportedly discovered by Ambrose when he was looking to dedicate the basilica in AD 386: for a church to be consecrated, you needed relics. Obligingly, these two saints appeared to Ambrose in a vision and pointed the way to their tomb”.

The official version of the Vatican, is that Ambrose was “forced by a mob”, to become their Bishop.  This is from the official Catholic News Agency, CNA:

“With the help of Emperor Valentinan, who ruled the Western Roman Empire at the time, a mob of Milanese Catholics virtually forced Ambrose to become their bishop against his own will”

“Eight days after his baptism, Ambrose received episcopal consecration on Dec. 7, 374 A.D. The date would eventually become his liturgical feast”.

Source: CNA.

I can easily envision a Catholic mob chasing a poor man into the Bishops palace. It must have been painful for him, to place himself in the position of totalitarian authority.

holy bones

Skeletons presented as “Holy bones”. The Pope call his faithful to adore them.

St Anthony

Holy bones not yet dressed up with gold and silver linen. “Holy relicts” of Saint Anthony of Padua.

nuns bow

Catholic nuns bow before the box with bony remains of claimed Saint Theresa.

The skeleton of Ambrose is most likely the remains of a Southern Baptist preacher, who was chased by the Catholic mob, to be presented in the Bishop’s palace in Milan, not to sit in the athoritarian chair, but was executed.