The Catholic Church of Amiens in France have kept John the Baptists skull on a plate.

Jesus explains there have never been a greater man than John the Baptist walking the Earth. Still a Catholic Church in France, feels the need to keep a skull on a plate, and claims it is the very head of the baptist.
Surely this picture is insane enough. But just as the Catholic World is grasping for fresh air, there is an Italian claim, that the skull of the baptist is only to be found in Church of S.Sivestro in Rome. Not to be outdone by this, the backside of the skull of John the Baptist has been kept in the city of the Vatican. And this piece of the head can be adored and venerated at a glass mounter.
Lets start with the photos from the Church in France.

The Amiens Cathedral in France.

The half skull kept on a pillow, and presented on a platter.

The head taken out for adoration and veneration.
This is the official Catholic story:
The head of John the Baptist on display in Amiens Cathedral. The relic was brought back from Constantinople (today is Istanbul) in 1206 after the sacking of the city by the Fourth Crusade.

But most of the time kept safely behind bars.

I do not think this Frenceman knows how this copying of Herodias looks.
The best site with photos of this skull, is made by an Orthodox “Christian”. Take alook.
Since both Rome and a city in France is involved here, we have a problem with a dual claim to the same head. It is worth noting that both these two Catholic Churches admit that they do support the story of Catholic priests who have fought over a skull, and broken it into at least two pieces.
The skull, or the head of John the Baptist, is nevertheless
not so “impressive” inside the Church in the city of Rome. Lets take a look:

The half skull, the backside, of claimed to be John the Baptist. St. Sylvester Church in Rome.

St. Sylvester Church in Rome
Who, if not Papal priests, have divided the skull of John the Baptist into two pieces?
And the skull might have been cut in three, with one piece left in Turkey. Please keep on reading.
This is surely one of the most bizarre example of Church adoration and veneration of any item. Two half skulls, separated by two national borders, by two Churches that both have the Pope as their head.
But this story does not end here. To make the legacy of John the Baptist more complicated, the Grand Mosque of Damascus Syria also claim to have the head of John the Baptist. This head is kept in a small chapel inside the Islamic dome. What?

John the Baptist in the Mosque in Damascus, at least with the back turned towards us. Because I guess he has been kept reading verses from the Koran on the wall.
This amazing picture from a Mosque, can be viewed at this site.
The official Syrian version:
Sheltered inside the mosque is the small chapel and shrine of John the Baptist (Prophet Yahia to the Muslims) where tradition holds that the head of John is buried. One legend says that when the church was demolished, his head was found underneath, complete with skin and hair. This head is believed by some to possess magical powers and continues to be the focus of the Mandaeans’ annual pilgrimage, when they press their foreheads against the metal grill of the shrine and reportedly experience prophetic visions.

Interesting photo from Damascus. Did you know there are chapel’s inside Mosques.
Catholics should flock to the Mosque in Damascus, and try to get a pieces of the “holy” head. There might even be some prophetic vision left.
And there is also a forth claim to the head, of the Jew who baptized the savior of the World. This head is kept in a Museum in the German city of Munich. In the Residenze, a castle belonging to the past Catholic Kings of Bavaria.

The most funny head you have ever seen. Or have the royals packed the skull, to avoid children getting nightmares after visiting this castle in Munich?

Just like king Herod, Catholic Kings of Bavaria lived in this castle. They both claimed to hold the head of John the Baptist.
If is of course difficult to understand, what is so special about people who keep the head of John the Baptist on a platter.
It was only the completely wicked and evil wife of King Herod who took pleasure in such a gruesome sight. And probably also King Herod and his staff and followers.
Why do our modern day Church goers want to share her joy, and probably also Herodias final destination?
It is bad enough to see four different institutions trying to convince the World, they they have the genuine skull. The story will eventually fall into the deepest pit of perversion, if a handful of Catholic and Orthodox Churches claim they have collected parts of his headless body.
These claim presented by religious people, should leave the World’s best pathologists speechless.
The Ottoman Empire did not only manage to slaughter and kill 1,5 million Armenians in the bloodiest genocide prior to the Holocaust. In Topkapi Palace Museum in Istanbul, modern day Turkey claim they have both John the Baptist’s right arm, and a part of his skill. In fact, the top of his skull.

Can anyone really buy the story of whose remains are inside this golden container?

There are claimed to be remains of the baptists, held by a Museum in Istanbul.
I am sure many Muslims will be puzzled by the fact, that Islam collects such items for adoration. The same Museum also claims to be the correct holder of some of Muhammad’s beard. The Islamic relics do not look very different from the Catholics relics.
The problem with the Turkish claim of holding the right arm of John the Baptists, is that an Greek Orthodox Church claims to have the very same hand in its collection of relics.

The right hand of John the Baptist can simply not be in two different places at the same time.This is the Greek version of what looks like an idol hand of gold.

And, the Hellenists claims the remains of John are in this cloister in Greek.
And a Orthodox Church in Bulgaria recently claims they found one tooth of the Baptist.

Does this Bulgarian box hold a 2.000 year old tooth, and is it one of the teeth of John the Baptist.
The story of the corrupt Catholic word on relics could continue for years. But there is surely a limit of how much gulibility people can accept.